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Ted Fick: Traveling and Marathon Training

Traveling as much as 75% of the time is not unusual for many of today’s professionals. It might surprise you that it’s not even unusual to do it while actively training for, and completing, marathons. Everyday professionals like business leader Ted Fick have proven this true time and time again, and you can join them. Yes, YOU can run a marathon and travel 75% of the time, and you’re likely to be a happier person for it.

There’s a lot that goes into training for marathons, and more that goes into leading a busy, travel-filled career, but once you find your groove it’s not impossible to keep pace with people like Ted Fick. You’ll want to review your training schedule before every trip, keep track of your itinerary, bring appropriate attire and, most importantly, be flexible. If you have time to search the web for places to run in your destination or find local running clubs to train with, even better. Whatever the case, scheduling will be key to nailing your professional projects and staying in marathoner shape, just don’t forget to make time for sleep, rest and refueling in between.