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Ted Fick: So, What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

As Ted Fick knows, leadership development is key to the long-term strength and success of any organization – regardless of its industry, size or future goals. But when it comes to identifying individuals with real leadership potential, it all begins by asking the right questions.

“So, what do you want to be when you grow up?” laughs Fick. “It may be a little corny, but it’s essentially the question we ask people that we think have high potential. There’s a big difference in my mind between high potential and realized potential. Potential that’s not realized is a waste.”

An accomplished senior executive, Fick understands that quality leaders can be found at nearly any level of the organization. Ted Fick also knows, however, that bringing such potential to the surface most often requires a bit of digging.

“We will have a confidential conversation with the individual about career path and about their interests,” says Ted Fick. “I’ve found that if we don’t ask these questions, we risk never knowing that someone in accounting has an interest in, operations or purchasing or sales. And it would be just a shame to have that interest go unfulfilled.”

Check below video to know more about him: