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Ted Fick: Inspiring Accelerated Organic Growth

Ted Fick is no stranger to enabling and inspiring dramatic growth, having led successful, multimillion-dollar turnarounds in relatively short periods with a number of high-profile firms.

And as an executive leader and change manager for more than 30 years, Ted Fick understands the importance of identifying opportunities for organic growth—finding ways for an organization to innovate, open up new revenue streams and grow market share while re-establishing its long-missing competitive edge.

There are many avenues for achieving accelerated growth at the organic level, though the keys to accomplishing such a task successful tend to include:

Articulating clearly-defined goals—those that ensure every stakeholder is not only aware of where you’re going, but is motivated to take ownership of their role in seeing those goals met.

Solutions that are sustainable, and that drive long-term success.

Efforts designed to enable success and results well into the future—rather than merely achieving a short-term spike in performance—help prevent backsliding while making meaningful, lasting change and progress for the organization.

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